Marc Buckner's career is on the rise and rise. Not only has the local Boss Model graced the cover of Mens Health more than once he even became the face of Canal Walk. He took a minute to sit and answer a few questions for me today and this is what went down:

You are showing up all over the place these days, Marc. Did you ever plan to be a model?

I never planned on much in my life but started at 17 because a friend dragged me to a school fashion show where we had to do rehearsals... I immediately pulled out but slowly got convinced into going to an agency by a scout.

Where are your favorite destinations? I imagine modeling has taken you all over the world!

I loved all the big cities like New York and London in the beginning but soon realised that due to my lifestyle I am drawn to places like Thailand and many of our African islands. ( Asia is by far the worst place as u work your ass off but the payoff of all the interesting cultures is way worth the hard work ). I leave for Thailand in April to buy a house.

List your three essential items when traveling for work/pleasure.

My favorite Thai style shorts, a vest and some fruit. I really take nothing with me when I travel...even for work, then it would be a pair of long pants and a smart shirt but nothing enters my backpack until I have laned at my destination.

What has modeling taught you about fashion?

That like anything else in life it is an expression of self and only what you make of it. I have worn so many labels that I cant even spell but have gravitated toward keeping it simple and functional.

What was your favorite shoot so far in your career?

Tough one. It would have to be a combo of good people and great location. A shoot on the isle of Scilly outside the U.K. We took a train, then a helicopter, then a boat and finally a landy up the mountain to our destination. I was for Moët & Chandon. Everyone on that shoot was amazing.

Who is your favorite designer?

I know no designers... myself and the many unknown people who put pieces together just for the love of it.

If you were handed a blank cheque what would you buy and why?

Whoever deserves it would get enough money to get out of the rat race and enjoy life. I leave for Thailand to buy my mom a house in our favorite place. I suppose I am already doing that.

What kind of hobbies keep you busy when you're not in front of the camera?

Every day that I am not casting or shooting I am on the mountain or in the ocean , yesterday I was in Tokai forest mountain biking and the day before I was up table mountain bouldering. Thats my life and the reason I do this job... so I have time to do that.

Where do you see 'Marc Buckner' five years from now?

Not much different from now only a little wiser, a little more fit and a lot happier, I want to go forward as we all do but consistently and slowly. I would love to have visited many new places and to have gone back to many old. I have made friends all over the world and I would love to see them all again. I leave again for New York in a few months and I would love to have made it big there by then just to fill the other side of the spectrum.

To strip that winter weight off what do you recommend?

Diet, health, sport-- but something you love....if you have no sport you love then find one, preferably something outdoors. It will make you a better person. I eat much like our ancestors, unrefined and natural.

What is one fact about yourself that no one would guess is true?

You want me to give away my secrets ...? if someone were to show that they would give from the heart, they would and could receive anything from me and besides that my favorite sweet is Liquorice!

You can find more images of Marc on his website