PART 2 - Leonardo DiCaprio's style

I wouldn't exaclty call Leonardo DiCaprio, trendy. But what he manages to exude, wether owed to a stylist or not is style and attitude. He is quite simple in his dress sense and I think that's what works. However when it gets to his casual wear it leaves a little to the imagination. With his baseball caps that never seem to leave his head except for premieres, Leo (according to a specific study of all the many photo's taken of him) wears a different cap to every baseball game he attends.

With the red carpet, Leo keeps it classic! And barely ever moves far from his black and white standard. Slick back hair and a 5 o' clock goatee is all you need. And a tan of course.

If you want to look like Leonardo DiCaprio, this is what you need:

1) Basic fitted black suit
2) Slick back hair
3) Baggy jeans and high-tops
4) Day old scruff shaved into a simple goatee
5) A collection of State Baseball caps
6) Nonchalance