Hermès Handbags

Hermès handbags have been on the wanted list of many individuals who desire the best in quality and craftsmanship. Perhaps none more than the famous Hermes Birkin Handbag named after the famous actress Jane Birkin who posed nude alongside Brigitte Bardot in the late 60's. The Hermes brand name and especially the birkin bag is one of the few that holds their value and even increases in value as an investment vehicle. Finding a place to buy a Birkin Handbag can be almost impossible.

Hermès Handbags

Hermès Birkin handbags are hand-crafted by experienced craftsmen, taking up to 48 hours to manufacture. Most Hermes boutiques have a waiting list that can have a wait of up to two years to get a Birkin bag. The boutiques never know when a new shipment of Birkin Handbags will be delivered or how many they may get in which creates the exclusivity and shortage. Therefore, it can be difficult to buy a Birkin Handbag for lack of finding one to buy.

Hermès Handbags