The Next Level | Boys With Birkins
By Elizabeth Spiridakis

Niccolo Cosme; Facehunter; courtesy of Jean-Paul Paula

Bryan Boy, Yu Masui and Jean-Paul Paula — men dressing mostly like men but with accessories and the odd shirt from the women’s department. Why didn’t I think of that?! It’s time to step up the game.

See ya, Julia; bye-bye, Chloe; later, BeyoncĂ©. I’ve cleared out my mental file of Why-can’t-I-be-her? style icons and have no more time for the same old girls in an epic shoe and must-have bag. These days, I am all about boys … in an epic shoe and must-have bag.

Perhaps you haven’t really noticed yet, but fashion-forward men, like my new trinity of adoration — Bryan Boy, Yu Masui and Jean-Paul Paula — have been feminizing their ensembles and pushing past females in the next-level department. And I, for one, am rapt.
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