Androgyny man in high heel wedges

Androgyny man dressed for Friday night

He wears:
Jante Black “Fetish” High Heels
fishnet tights
black lace Terranova skirt
Kiabi red blouse
corset feathers black leather bag from Comeco Inc.
Ardene accessories


I stumbled upon these sunglasses recently. I'm all for natural shapes for men so it surprised me how much I loved these once I tried them on. Apart from my matte black wayfarers from Sunglass Hut I don't really wear black. If you're not careful in choosing the right size for your face you can look as if you're pulling inspiration from the Terminator. Proportion is key. Ask a sales assistant from Sunglass Hut about styles for your face shape until you find the perfect pair.

As for me, these D&G sunnies (DG8076) which only go for R1750 will in all likelihood find their way into my shirt pocket before long.


Tim and Fiona Slack aim to take classic styles to the future. They have worked hard at putting love into their shoes and their marriage since the 1970s , back then they were called Walker shoes but today they trade under the name T&F Slack. Bringing forward the Gibson and 5 eye-lit Derby shoe shapes into 2011 and beyond, but adding bursts of colour in odd but pleasing combinations.

I love the look of a perforated shoe. These come with an underlying colour of your choosing, but how, I hear you ask? In addition to their own available styles you also get the opportunity to play designer with their easy-to-use system available in Liberty, Selfridges and their Notting Hill store in London.


The first time I met Cindy Poole of The Summit was a year ago. I was encouraged to visit her stall by Robyn Cooke who said this girl was incredible. The only difference between then and now is Poole dons a shorter 'do. The enthusiasm and energy is still very much the same, gasping and giving me another item to hold before she's finished telling me about the one before. There are few designers I have  encountered with half the excitement. It's inspiring.

Now being proud and raving about your product is one thing but having it backed up with superior quality and design is another. Cindy's gentleman is a throwback to an old age, he carries a newspaper around, smokes cigars. But he is also modern with a certain sense of whimsy.

I was particularly a fan of the leather and sterling silver collar clips she added to her collection, these are great because you can also add them to your jacket lapel at different angles. This "Ridgeback to back link" sells for R620 and is part of the first range of jewelry for the Summit.

She joined Adriaan Kuiters (available at Spence) at this years Design Indaba with her range of leather goods. I thoroughly enjoyed these two together, what a great match.


Online Fashion

Style is certainly a fantastic field in which a talented individual, having a lot of creativity, ought to activate. If this really is your passion, you need to certainly go a step additional and create a profession in this field. Perhaps, in only a couple of years, you'll be in a position to determine your name within the greatest style publications; who knows? Nevertheless, to achieve this factor, you need to begin searching for on-line style style degrees simply because, to be able to have such a profession, you certainly require a unique degree.
online fashion
Within the style field, employers are searching for individuals who don't only have talent but also present a diploma. This really is simply because a diploma can guarantee that you simply know every thing a style designer ought to master. 1 technique to total a degree would be to select a style style degrees on-line course. What ever on-line course you'll select, you need to know that it'll teach you exactly the same issues as a nearby school course, namely human anatomy, psychology and mathematics.

You'll also discover tailoring and sewing methods, textiles and style background. Whilst all these activities are helpful to be able to total various functions associated to style style, you need to take into account that most of them represent some truly enjoyable tasks. But why do you should discover all these issues? Nicely, simply because the much more you realize about style trends, fabrics, textile and sewing methods, the much more most likely would be to discover an excellent job within the style business. To be able to be a really great designer, you need to present abilities, information and passion. Obviously, the passion is an inherent element whilst information and abilities are acquired via studying and experimentation.

Androgyny man posing in high heels and tights