Thank-You dear readers and fellow Fashionisto's!

Kicking the Habit...

I don't condone smoking but it is fun. Like dvd series sessions on a Saturday night or Sweet Chilli Nik-Naks, we have certain vices that fulfill us. I've been smoking for about 8 years, coming from a whole lineage of smokers who have all subsequently quit-- it was nearing that time when I too would have to be bold and snuff out my last cigarette... after I finished the box of course.

My father was admitted to hospital for an Emergency Quintuple Bypass last week, and I travelled home to be with family in that time. My father quit smoking the day before! While he was in surgery I decided it was time to kick the habit once for and all. Now I'm trying to replace my smoking breaks with other rituals but it's harder than you'd think. And now I'm eating more as a result. It's definitely time to return to the gym (it's been 2 weeks!) because exercise is great! ;)

The temptation isn't as hard as the feeling that I should be doing something... I'll blog instead!



When I saw these two I tossed my biscotti and asked to take their picture. I asked them where they were from, expecting them to reply in some Dutch accent but it wasn't so. Locals! It was just refreshing to see these sixteen year olds (who happen to be a couple) dressed differently from the pack. Open the pictures to see the detailing. The sassy confidence that Azuli has is a perfect accessory, and I can see their style progressing nicely as they grow.

I could blame the city of New York (or Paris,Milan...) for Scott Schuman's success as a fashion blogger, but you have to give him props for his eye. The "eye" that see's things we ordinary people don't see. He is, after all the founding father of street fashion blogging, the newest craze to be born from this Reality tv obsessed era. We are all voyeurs so it is no surprise it came to this. It's precisely this fascination we have with people, strangers that I decided to blog in the first place.

I look around, alot. I try and find these types of ensambles but when it comes to the well dressed man it's a little harder in Cape Town, considering so many of them believe Ed Hardy and board shorts to be the height of Fasion these days.

This is my new favourite look, like an Irish Farmer sans Wellingtons. I love all the layering that is going on in menswear these days. A lot of old country looks. We really are stretching back into the olden days!

And as for this look I have been meaning to buy a grey cardigan for a while now and since the weather here is turning cooler I can start to include some of my boots and jackets into my outfits again.

Can't wait.

Tim Hamilton 09


Robert Gellar '09

Robert Geller was dubbed GQ's newest and brightest star and it's not hard to see why. His style is classic Romanticism while having the essence of an exciting new designer. Of course that contradicts the use of Gothic bloodless make-up we've seen perhaps a few times too many, or the Amish influence or the colour gradients that make you think of Prada. But I do love what he's come up with; the colour combinations, the curving button ribbing of the cardigans and blazers and of course the gloves!

William Rast Fall 09

Last night we witnessed the third show from William Rast, love-child of Justin Timberlake and Johan and Marcella Lindeberg in pursuit of making the perfect denim. While that might be a bit ambitious for now I did however enjoy the 80's acid washed jeans he used. Denim and Leather has always gone together well and you can see that story ran through the whole collection. Nicely cut leather jackets and blazers and the introduction of tassled boots? Well not too bad considering he's a Pop star, songwriter, Producer and an Actor. Adding designer to his list of creds isn't a bad thing! Nicely done.

These are my favourite looks! (ABOVE and BELOW)

Unfortunately this studded jacket looks like Timberlake got hold of a bedazzler between recording sets.

Marc Jacobs Fall 09

Marc Jacobs brings out his inner nerd on-route to a job interview in his Fall 09 collection. Lot's of layering, lot's of opposing colours and prints. The models were all young Morrisey-ish looking boys with that smarter and cooler-than-your-average expression on their faces. Like many designers, Jacobs included the use of high-tops for a more street savvy wearer.

Marc Jacobs brings out his inner nerd on-route to a job interview in his Fall 09 collection. Lot's of layering, lot's of opposing colours and prints. The models were all young Morrisey-ish looking boys with that smarter and cooler-than-your-average expression on their faces.

Diesel Black Gold - Fall 2009

This is the first time I've seen any Diesel show on! Ever. And I've looked. While there were a couple interesting looks it still feels like a lot of the same with this 30's-vagabond-with-working-cane, look. But Diesel has always been a fan of making clothes look previously owned (or in this case discarded). I have never really been a fan of leather pants on a man before (except in that Rock and Roll, Lenny Kravitz way of course) but I love the look of these. And the colours have been put together very nicely! I wouldn't mind owning this outfit! How awesome are these knits?

And as far as this man above he looks like someone from New York doing errands in the cold weather. I like it though. The large man-bag is a bit big for me but if you've seen this shit I carry around you would imagine it to be the perfect size.



I love me some melodic man-singing so when I discovered this jewel I thought to share it with you all. Ben Taylor does a rendition on the once famous Macy Gray track I try.
(Yes, it's the Cheerio's guy)

Valium-times day!

We all know it's coming, the impending day that marks the anniversary of your single-hood. Blegh. It's just some holiday marked with a glittery red X for mindless consumers. Yet here we are anyway, sending I HEART YOU cards and flowers. Cash works for me.

While I was trapsing around PAUL SMITH this afternoon I found a few classicly PS items in the spirit of our beloved Valemtimes Day.

You may recall this fantastic Paul Smith Wall Rug was purchased by Carrie Bradshaw for her "adult" apartment makeover in Sex and the City - the movie. I would love to own it for my place!

With so many cliche's flying around this day let's get creative people!

Going home to Knysna!

Any time off I'm miraculously given I try to go home to Knysna. South Africa is already a hugely popular tourist destination and my small town is the very epicentre of it's beauty. It remains busy only during school holiday periods which leaves it serene and deserted outside of those times. Bliss for people like myself needing time away from the hub-bub of the city.

While I've taken the 5 hour drive home atleast a few times this year already, I have yet to return to the Elephant reserve in Plettenberg Bay where the last of the Elephants live. Hopefully I'll have time to revisit the forest this time around and not spend all my time off watching "Dirty, Sexy, Money".


Grey Cardigan from K by Karl Lagerfeld now only 112GBP from ASOS.

If you would be so kind...

Ah, the things we want in life. My father would argue that a functioning watch is all you need, regardless of how it looks. But this one is just so pretty! If anyone knows a guy, who knows a guy you can send me one- my birthday is around the corner! ;)

These watches are fast becoming popular on our shores, and they sell for roughly R2000 ($195). They come in a variety of different fun colours, and if you ask me the brighter the better. They contain tritium markers that glow in the dark so that even in a time of load-shedding one can look stylish-- and of course be able to tell the time!

Alternatively you can get this "cheapo pink" watch for 21.50 GBP from ASOS. There are hundreds of cool watches to choose from and in a day where fakes are running rampant who needs a ridiculously expensive watch until you can comfortably afford one? Fashion is not about the label or the price, rather how you carry it!


I registered to vote, did you?

Of the many things that are fashionable in our society in this day, Politics seems to be on the rise. I tend to agree, voting for your country is definitely the right thing to do. Just look at the huge success of the US09 election. The world needs change, and Obama is certainly the necessary change for the Americans.

In South Africa we also have a divided opinion on who should run our country. I can't imagine a man like Jacob Zuma being considered to be our nations leader. You may recall this is the man who said that a shower would prevent him from contracting HIV Aids since he had sex with an HIV positive woman. I personally would like to see what Helen Zille and the DA could come up with.

If you don't register, you can't vote, and without a vote we can't make the changes we need!

Blog Alert: Fashion Photography blog

Mellisa Rodwell of the local based Fashion Photography Blog gives us fashion minded voyeurs a look behind the lens, while giving us all those necessary and juicy tips other photogs probably wouldn't divulge so easily. And for that she can get my kudos! I know what it's like to work on fashion and commercial sets and it can get quite hectic, Mrs. Rodwell shows it how it is adding that little something extra.

Go take a look!

Blog Alert -Kate Loves Me

Model turned Actress - well we've seen that. Model turned singer? Tyra Banks ruined that for us, and now model turned Blogger: Peyalo Diaz and his mega blog "KATE LOVES ME". It includes thousands of photographs with an Espanol write up on each, but we love it anyway. It really gives us a look at what life must be like for such a boy.

We could hate him purely on his beautiful chiselled looks and all the places he gets to see year round but the main reason (aside from the free gifts he gets from designers like Vivienne Westwood) would be his friendship with Dean and Dan! Known for their use of uber-sexy models it's quite a compliment for Mr.Diaz to be a part of their line up for Dsquared.

You have to give it to him, he may be pretty but it's all in the name of fashion and entertainment.Click HERE for the experience.